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Quickstart in 5 minutes

In order to run, you need two simple things. First, you’ll need you data and model. Second, you may need to write short formatter functions that will let us know how to translate your data and labels into common formats the package can understand. For model and data, you will need:

  • Your train and test data (each a pytorch dataloader)

  • (optional) A model object, for which calling model(batch) for a dataloder batch returns the batch predictions. Required for running checks that need the model’s predictions for running.

To run your first suite on your data and model, you need only a few lines of code, that start here: Define a VisionData Object.

# If you don't have deepchecks installed yet:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install "deepchecks[vision]" -U --quiet #--user

Load Data and Model

For the purpose of this guide we’ll use the coco 128 dataset and the ultralytics yolov5s object detection model, both already included in the deepchecks package:

from import coco

import torch
device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'

yolo = coco.load_model(pretrained=True, device=device)

coco_train_loader = coco.load_dataset(train=True)
coco_test_loader = coco.load_dataset(train=False)

Implement a Data Object

Deepchecks’ checks and suites expect a data object that is specific for the task type. These data objects are used to load a preprocess data for the particular task type, and all inherit from VisionData.

For classification - the data class should inherit from ClassificationData, and for detection from DetectionData

Because our example here is a detection problem, we will create a class inherited from the DetectionData class, and will implement the following requried functions: - batch_to_images - Transform a batch of data to images in the accpeted format. For more info refer to the API reference

  • batch_to_labels - Extract the labels from a batch of data. For more info refer to the API reference

  • infer_on_batch - Return the predictions of the model on a batch of data. For more info refer to the API reference

from import DetectionData
from typing import Union, List
import numpy as np
import warnings

class COCOData(DetectionData):

    def batch_to_labels(self, batch) -> Union[List[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]:
        def move_class(tensor):
            return torch.index_select(tensor, 1, torch.LongTensor([4, 0, 1, 2, 3]).to(tensor.device)) \
                if len(tensor) > 0 else tensor

        return [move_class(tensor) for tensor in batch[1]]

    def infer_on_batch(self, batch, model, device) -> Union[List[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]:
        return_list = []

        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=UserWarning)

            predictions: 'ultralytics.models.common.Detections' =[0])  # noqa: F821

            # yolo Detections objects have List[torch.Tensor] xyxy output in .pred
            for single_image_tensor in predictions.pred:
                pred_modified = torch.clone(single_image_tensor)
                pred_modified[:, 2] = pred_modified[:, 2] - pred_modified[:, 0]  # w = x_right - x_left
                pred_modified[:, 3] = pred_modified[:, 3] - pred_modified[:, 1]  # h = y_bottom - y_top

        return return_list

    def batch_to_images(self, batch) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        return [np.array(x) for x in batch[0]]

Now, we will initialize instances of our COCOData class.

train_ds = COCOData(coco_train_loader, label_map=coco.LABEL_MAP)
test_ds = COCOData(coco_test_loader, label_map=coco.LABEL_MAP)

Run a Deepchecks Suite

Run the full suite

Use the full_suite that is a collection of (most of) the prebuilt checks. Check out the when should you use deepchecks guide for some more info about the existing suites and when to use them.

from import full_suite

suite = full_suite()
result =, test_dataset=test_ds, model=yolo, device=device)
Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:19
Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:19
Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:19
Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:19
Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:19
Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:19
Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
Engine run starting with max_epochs=1.
Epoch[1] Complete. Time taken: 00:00:18
Engine run complete. Time taken: 00:00:18

In order to view the results, the result object can be exported to an html file, as demonstrated here.


If the code is running inside a jupyter notebook, the result can also be viewed by simply running result inside a notebook cell.

Run a Deepchecks Check

If you want to run a specific check, you can just import it and run it directly.

Check out the Check Demonstrations in the examples or the API Reference for more info about the existing checks and their parameters.

from import TrainTestLabelDrift
check = TrainTestLabelDrift()
result =, test_ds, device=device)

Train Test Label Drift

Calculate label drift between train dataset and test dataset, using statistical measures. Read More...

Additional Outputs
The Drift score is a measure for the difference between two distributions. In this check, drift is measured for the distribution of the following label properties: ['Samples per class', 'Bounding box area (in pixels)', 'Number of bounding boxes per image'].

and also inspect the result value which has a check-dependant structure: